Where Should You Put Your Child’s Sound Machine?

Where should you place your child’s sound machine for best results?

The closer the better! (Without being *in* the crib, of course!)

When we have a child struggling with sleep, we want to first make sure that little noises around the home are not one of the things contributing to frequent wake ups. I personally am a VERY light sleeper and even use a sound machine of my own!

The closer the white noise is to your child, the more likely it is that nearby sounds will not reach your child and wake them up.

Placing the sound machine across the room from your child will block out noises from outside, such as a car driving by or a dog barking. However, placing it right next to or underneath the crib will block out inside noises like a cough, a chair scraping, ice cubes clinking, the air conditioner turning on…etc!

Yes, you can use a fan etc it just needs to be loud enough and continuous enough to do the same job as a sound machine.

With more than one child sharing a room, I also recommend that they each have their own sound machine by their bed so they don’t disturb each other in the night.

I would love to know what type of sound machine or white noise source you like to use in your family? Join the conversation over on our Instagram!


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