Baby Registry Recommendations

As a Certified Pediatric Sleep Consultant and experienced newborn care specialist, I’ve had the opportunity to use just about every baby product ever invented. I can tell you which ones are definitely worth buying!



MAM Pacifiers 0-6 Months

Fridababy NoseFrida Snotsucker


Dr. Brown’s - best baby bottles

Kiinde bottle warmer


Healthy Sleep Essentials

Love to Dream swaddle for small babies

Hatch Baby sound machine - perfect for babies and sleep training toddlers and older children too

Magic Merlin sleepsuit - for temporarily transitioning babies out of traditional swaddles

Halo sleep sack


For You

Frida mom Upside Down Peri Bottle (to cleanse yourself during postpartum bathroom trips)

Frida mom Postpartum Recovery Essentials Kit

Earth Mama Organic Nipple Butter

Bamboobies Washable Nursing Pads


These are affiliate links - each product is something I have personally used, purchased for myself, or given as a gift, and highly recommend above other choices on the market.