How Your Baby’s Temperament Affects Their Sleep

Did you know that your baby’s “temperament” can have different effects on their sleep and what it takes to help them sleep well?


Approximately 40% of babies are considered to have an “easy” temperament. They are happy and smiley babies, not fussy at bedtime, and stay pretty “chill” while on vacations or meeting new people. They don’t really care if they sleep in the car, in their crib, in a pack & play, or wherever. If they happen to stay up late occasionally, they don’t really have too big of a meltdown.

Here’s the best way to help your “easy” baby be a great sleeper:

Be sure to stick to the age-appropriate wake windows for your baby’s age, and try to get them in bed at night and for naps on time at least 70% of the time. They will usually still sleep okay, or at least be willing to quickly get back on track, when the schedule has been off due to illness or busyness.


A baby with a “cautious” temperament is sensitive and does not like new and unfamiliar situations. They don’t like scratchy fabrics on their skin. They likely have “stranger danger”. They wake easily if they hear a noise or see a light. They will scream if given a new kind of pacifier, bottle, etc.!

Here’s the best way to help your “cautious” baby be a great sleeper:

Wake your baby at the same time every morning, and try to stick to their wake windows and nap times as CLOSELY as possible, like 95% of the time. Keep their sleeping area dark and cool, and be sure to use a good quality white noise machine so their sleep is not disturbed by every dog bark or flushed toilet.


A baby with a “spirited” temperament doesn’t want to miss out on anything! They demand attention, don’t want to be put down, and scream if they have to wait too long for food or entertainment. They fight sleep and seem to hate bedtime, sometimes staying up for hours or even wanting to play in the middle of the night!

Here’s the best way to help your “spirited” baby be a great sleeper:

Avoid letting your baby get overstimulated in the evenings. No TV, and keep the lights low and environment calm. Be sure to have a good bedtime routine, fully 30 minutes, and put them to bed at the appropriate time, even if they’re not “acting tired” yet1

Which type of temperament do you think your baby has? Come join the conversation on our Instagram!


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