Why Newborn Cluster Feeding is a Sleep Superpower!

Why Newborn Cluster Feeding (0-8 weeks) is Actually a Sleep Superpower

Did you know that your baby’s stomach is the size of a cherry at birth?

By 1 week old, your baby’s stomach has grown to the size of an egg.

It’s no wonder that newborns require a lot of feedings all day long! Especially if you are breastfeeding!

While I know it is very exhausting to not get any break in the evening due to back-to-back feedings from 4-8pm, here’s why cluster feeding is actually GREAT for healthy newborn sleep from birth to 8 weeks old.

🍒 It tanks your baby up on daytime calories, leading to less calories needed during the night. More frequent feeds during the day = less frequent feeds in the night

🍒 Helps baby get a longer stretch of sleep at night because their tummies are full and they are worn out from all the exertion

🍒 Helps YOU get a nice long stretch of sleep afterwards! Just make sure you actually go to bed early instead of staying up on your phone 😉

After the newborn phase passes by your baby’s feeding schedule will be more regulated and cluster feeding won’t be as much of a thing. Enjoy these silver linings to cluster feeding and hang in there! ☺️


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